Musings from a Canadian writer
by Peggy Dymond Leavey
A Good Place to Start
Years ago when I was trying to take my writing “hobby” to the next level, I began to write a number of articles for the local newspaper. I’d already had an article published in the Ontario Churchman, a piece about a local centenarian I’d interviewed. Hers was a fascinating story about teaching school in the early 1900s. I wondered if there might be a market for more of these personal interest stories.
My Review of Ringing the Changes, by Mazo de la Roche
I recently wrote a review of the new edition of Canadian writer Mazo de la Roche’s autobiography for the publisher, Dundurn Press. They ran it on their blog earlier this month. I first started reading de la Roche’s Jalna series after taking The Whiteoaks of Jalna in Grade 10 English Lit. class. I was hooked!
Kissing Cousins?
Could Molly Brant Be Related to Pauline Johnson? It’s a logical question. Both women were of Mohawk blood, and Molly’s eight children were all Johnsons. It seemed to beg some further research.
Q & A for Molly Brant
Earlier this year I was asked to reply to a few questions about my new book, Molly Brant: Mohawk Loyalist and Diplomat. Here are those questions and my answers.
An early Summer
The month of June is almost over. We’ve been living at our cottage for the past four weeks while renovations are taking place at home. I feel a little out of touch; the calendars in the house are still turned to May. With no internet connection at the lake, I’ve driven to the nearest public library and used their free wi-fi in order to check my email. But there’s never enough time for social media conversations. Are you still there, Twitter?
The Scariest Person in My Childhood
Who was it? That was the question the writing prompt asked, suggesting I write one page. I didn’t have to think about it for long. The scariest person I can remember was actually two persons.